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Private School Applications


Cupertino Middle School Guidelines

If you are applying to a private school for next year, please follow these guidelines:

If you are applying to a private school for next year, please follow these guidelines:

Step 1: Application

Obtain an application from the admissions office of the private high school(s).  Most of these applications are now  online. Remember to check application deadlines! 

Step 2: Recommendation Forms

If you need a Recommendation Form filled out by a teacher/counselor, talk to  them prior to putting in his/her email information in the application.  The high school(s) will send online recommendation forms directly to these teachers once you provide them with an email address. 

Step 3: Transcript Request/Release Form

In order for the counselor to release your transcript/standardized test scores directly to the private school, we need your parent/guardian’s  approval. This form can be found on Ravenna or through the private school(s) you are applying to.

Please complete the form and have your parent/ guardian send the form in an email to your counselor or drop it off in the front office. 

  • If the private school uses Ravenna, your counselor will upload your documents directly to Ravenna

  • If the private school does not use Ravenna, please provide us with the preferred method of delivery of the transcripts/standardized test scores.

    • For mail-in: Please drop off  to your counselor a stamped envelope, which should be addressed to the private school with Cupertino Middle School’s address as the return address.  

    • For email: Please provide us with the appropriate email address to send the information to. 

Please allow your teachers and counselors 3-4 weeks to process the recommendations and all forms noted above.

If you have any questions, please email or request to  meet with your school counselor:

Ms. Fratus (Last Names A-L)

Mr. Alcazar (Last Names M-Z)